Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Novel Planner Workbook


“Brainstorming is the nexus of ideas.” ~ Dr. Asa Don Brown 

I am always touched when someone is inspired by my words and chooses to use them. I received a copy of “The Novel Planner” and I have found many useful concepts within the body of this work.


#brainstorming #ideas #fostered #concepts #notion #thoughts #images #mentalpictures #visualization #abstraction #perception #hypothesis #postulation #suggestions #plans #design #scheme #projects #propositions #recommendations #aims #intentions #objectives #purposes #goals #targets #summary 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 I think that we have all been confronted with the relentless desire of fitting in and belonging. BrenĂ© Brown's message reminds us that there is indeed a better path towards quenching and achieving those human needs. I'd go one step further and remind you that it must occur from deep within your person. Achieving such peace can only occur when we've learned to effectively and unconditionally love our inner person.